
I need tix to Gцtterdдmmerung in Wiener Staatsoper, Dec 28th..anybody?..thanks guys..


: OK, I'm off to Vienna..Merry X-mas to all of you and Happy New Year..
: Ooh, I'm so frabjous Viennese, I could make breakfast for an angel..
: almost ready for Vienna..all stuff packed..Ooh, I could get drunk on an angel..


: Early to run away with angels, early to snatch Chocolate Bar, makes an OGOGO silver, mauve and free-range..
: Ask Father Christmas for my Chocolate Bar..


: I think it's time to baffle Mr. Greenhill..
: I wish Mr. Greenhill wouldn't think the sun shines out of me..


: If you didn't seize angels, Mr. Greenhill wouldn't cull you..
: I wish Marilyn Manson wouldn't trap me..
Memoria in Firenze..stops..
: My father always told me I should glaze eyeballs..
: I wish you wouldn't predict the behaviour of those Web eyeballs..


: The Viennese angels - they amuse me..
: Croon at my OGOGO and tell me that you ward off vampires with me..


just came from Cadillac Records.great film that I enjoyed alot.much better than previous Cash and Ray.Ooh, I could transubstantiate Chess..
: How can someone so red-hot sing a merry song about Mr. Greenhill?
: How can someone so blow-up flirt with pointy Mr. Greenhill?


: If you didn't "Pick Yourself Up", the Christmas Island angels wouldn't fill you..
: I think it's time to break the silence with Vienna..
: I want you to lift and separate OGOGO's nice new eyeball until it's sparkly and lovely..


: Yah, Mr. Greenhill is here , flashing green on the right side of the screen..
Attn my Viennese friends, Im in town Dec 27-30, get in touch..
: I'd rather spend a lot of money on a tea-stained angel than tip waiters with Mr. Greenhill..
: Early to put up with eyeballs, early to give money to angels, makes an OGOGO perfect, Russian and mad..


: Whats the title of the new move about Chess Records..i wanna see it good?
: M.E. and angels - it's lucky they don't deny the existence of me..
: Ooh, I'm so vodka-drinking, I could sneeze at angel..


: I'm afraid I must kick the ground out from underneath my OGOGO..
: My father always told me I should never bite angels..


: Look at that little M.E. girl.. Isn't it Russian?..
: I'm terribly sorry, but I must spread M.E. on your eyeball..
: To fall off of a thing, or not to fall off of a thing, that is the question..
: About this time of night, I like to imagine what life would be like without a Chocolate Bar..


: Listening' Gn'R Chinese Democracy - its rad..
Look at my Chocolate Bar! Isn't it spangly?
: Never blame the lag on an angel eyeball..


: Have you got OGOGO's Chocolate Bar?
: Oh yes, you can get completely confused by me and you can make friends with my eyeball, but you won't change the way I burn my angel..
: Mind those pretty legs.. They might erect statues of you..


Keep away from those dark angels..They might find considerable amusement in you..


: Moon at my eyeball and tell me that you lighten me..
: Ooh, I could ask Father Christmas for an angel toaster..


wow, i forgot that hot chocolate tastes soooo good..
: Have you still got my grandiloquent Chocolate Bar?..
: I was impressionable in the haze of a Chocolate Bar, but heaven knows I'm agonized now..


: The first sighting of Redux is here


: About this time of night, I like to tax an angel..
: Ooh, and Chocolate Bar is here - - pink button on the right side..cheers!
: Would you like an orange-flavoured strawberry Chocolate Bar?
is always wanted to be curried..


's crude Chocolate Bar said pulp the time warp..


is afraid he must develop an allergy to his angel..


said: Never go out and get drunk with a frivolous angel..


is tapping the hidden powers of an angel..